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Biographical |
Top Education Appointments Articles Abstracts Books Presentations Honors Memberships Research Focus Research Grants Certification Fellowships Grant Review Editorials Consultation Teaching Committees Univ. Service |
Education and Training
Dates | Institution and Location | Degree | Major Subject and Mentor |
Undergraduate | |||
1964-1967 | Duke
University Durham, NC |
French | |
1967-1968 | The George
Washington University Washington, DC |
B.A. 1968 |
French |
1974-1978 | Spalding
University Louisville, KY |
B.S. 1978 |
Nursing |
Graduate | |||
1985-1989 | University of
Louisville Louisville, KY |
Ph.D. 1989 |
Physiology, James Porter, Ph.D. |
Post-Graduate | |||
1989-1992 | University of
Chicago, Chicago, IL |
Obstetrics, Marshall Lindheimer M.D. |
1992-1994 | University of
Texas Health Science Center San Antonio, TX |
Neurophysiology, Steven Mifflin Ph.D. |
Appointments and Positions
Years | Institution and Location | Title |
Academic | ||
6/2001-present | University of Missouri-Kansas
City Kansas City, MO |
Thompson Professor of Research |
2001-present | University of Missouri-Kansas
City Kansas City, MO |
Director of Research |
1/2001-5/2001 | University of Pittsburgh
School of Nursing Pittsburgh, PA |
Associate Professor with Tenure |
1994-2000 | University of Pittsburgh
School of Nursing Pittsburgh, PA |
Associate Professor - Research Track |
1992-1994 | University of Texas Health
Science Center, Dept. of Pharmacology, San Antonio, TX |
Research Instructor |
1987-1989 | University of Louisville,
Dept. of Obstetrics Louisville, KY |
Clinical Teaching Associate |
1987-1988 | University of Louisville,
Dept. of Physiology Louisville, KY |
Teaching Assistant |
Non-Academic | ||
1979-1987 | University of Louisville,
Dept. of Pediatrics Louisville, KY |
Staff Nurse |
1978-1979 | St. Anthony Hospital, Louisville, KY | Staff Nurse |
T. (2000). Baroreceptor afferent discharge in the pregnant rat.
Am. J. Physiol. Regulatory,
Integrative and
T. & Hodgson, T. M. (2000). Pregnancy alters cardiac receptor afferent
discharge in the rat.
Am. J. Physiol., Regulatory, Integrative and Comp. Physiol, 278,
T. & Herzer, W. A.(2000). Effect of cardiac receptor stimulation on
renal vascular resistance in the pregnant rat.
Am. J. Physiol., Regulatory,
Integrative and Comp. Physiol., 278, R171-R178.
Woody, M., Albrecht, S., Hines,
T., & Hodgson, T. (1999). Directed Case Studies in Baccalaureate Nursing
Anatomy and Physiology. J. Nursing Ed., 38,
T. & Mifflin, S. W. (1997). Nitric oxide mediation of cardiac receptor
reflex responses in the pregnant rat. Am.
J. Obstet. Gynecol., 177,1502-1508.
T.,& Mifflin, S. W. (1995). Gestational
effects on volume-sensitive cardiopulmonary reflexes in the rat.
Am J. Physiol., 268
(Regulatory Integrative Comp. Physiol. 37), R736-R743.
T., Lindheimer, M.D. & Barron, W. M. (1994). Effect of autonomic
blockade on pressor responses to vasopressin in pregnant rats. Am J. Obstet. Gynecol.,
171, 1296-1302.
T., Toney, G. M., & Mifflin, S. W. (1994). Responses of neurons in the
nucleus tractus solitarius to stimulation of heart and lung receptors in the
rat. Circ.
Res., 74, 1188-1196.
T., Lindheimer, M. D., & Barron, W. M. (1993). Total autonomic blockade
eliminates the attenuated pressor response to angiotensin II in the pregnant
rat. Am. J. Physiol, 265,
T., & Barron, W. M. (1992). Effect
of sinoaortic denervation on pressor responses in the pregnant rat.
Am. J. Physiol, 262,
T., & Porter, J. P. (1992). The pressor effect of posterior hypothalamic
stimulation is enhanced in the pregnant rat.
Am J. Physiol., 262,
T., & Porter, J. P. (1989). Role of central angiotensin II in control of
blood pressure during pregnancy. Am.
J. Physiol., 257, R1457-R1461.
Hines, T. (2003). Effects of sustained changers in arterial
pressure on baroreceptor discharge in pregnant rats.
Experimental Biology, San Diego, CA.
D.M. & Hines,T. (2003). Effect of Osmolality on baroreceptor
discharge in pregnant rats.
Experimental Biology, #62.2. San Diego, CA.
Hines, T. (2000).
Cardiac receptor afferent discharge in the early-pregnant rat. Hypertension in Pregnancy.
19, 114.
Hines, T., Henker, R., Rogers, S., Gallek, M., & Kelso, L.
(2000). Role of hepatic vagal afferents in fever: insights from clinical and
animal studies. Faseb J., 14, A85.
Hines, T., & Kirkland, V. (2000). Baroreflex alterations in the
postpartum rat. Faseb J., 14,
Hines, T. (2000).
Cardiac receptor afferent discharge in the early-pregnant rat. Faseb
J.,14, A68.
Hines, T., & Hodgson, T. M. (2000).
Attenuation of cardiac receptor afferent discharge in the pregnant rat. Hypertension
in Pregnancy, 19, 70.
Hines, T. (1999).
Attenuation of baroreceptor afferent discharge in the pregnant rat.
Faseb J., 13, A1046.
Chapters, Non-Refereed Articles, and other publications
T., & Jones, M. B. (1994). Endothelial cell damage and the
pathophysiology of preeclampsia-eclampsia..
Am. J. Mat/Child Nursing.
(invited review) 19, 258-263.
T. Cardiovascular effects of peripheral and central pressor stimuli in the
pregnant rat. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Louisville, 1989.
Hines, “Cardiac Receptor Afferent Discharge in the Early-Pregnant Rat,”
to International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP),
Paris, France, 2000.
Hines, “Attenuation of Cardiac Receptor,” to ISSHP, Kobe, Japan, 1998.
Tina Hines, “Nitric Oxide Mediation of Cardiac Receptor Reflex Responses in the Pregnant Rat,” to ISSHP, Seattle, WA. 1996.
Hines, “Effect of Autonomic Blockade on Pressor Responses to Vasopressin
in Pregnant Rats,” to ISSHP, Sydney, Australia, 1994.
Hines, “Effect of Acute Volume Expansion on Central and Efferent Nerve
Activity in the Pregnant Rat,” to ISSHP, Sydney, Australia, 1994.
Hines, “Total Autonomic Blockade Eliminates the Attenuated Pressor
response to Angiotensin II in the Pregnant Rat,” to ISSHP, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 1992.
Hines, “The Pressor Response to Posterior Hypothalamic Stimulation is
Enhanced in the Pregnant Rat,” to ISSHP, Perugia, Italy, 1990.
Tina Hines, "Effects of Sustained Changes in Arterial Pressure on Baroreceptor Discharge in Pregnant Rats", Experimental Biology 2003, San Diego, CA 2003.
Dawn Grimes and Tina Hines, "Effect of Osmolality on Baroreceptor Discharge in the Pregnant Rat", Experimental Biology 2003, San Diego, CA, 2003.
Tina Hines and A.M. Stewart, "Effect of Nitric Oxide Blockade on Baroreceptor Discharge in the Pregnant Rat", Experimental Biology 2001, Orlando, FL, 2001.
Hines, “Role of Hepatic Vagal Afferents in Fever: Insights from Clinical
and Animal Studies,” Experimental Biology 2000, San Diego, CA, 2000.
Hines, “Baroreflex Alterations in the Post-Partum Rat,” Experimental
Biology 2000, San Diego, CA, 2000.
Hines, “Cardiac Receptor Afferent Discharge in the Early-Pregnant Rat,”
Experimental Biology 2000, San Diego, CA, 2000.
“Attenuation of Baroreceptor Afferent Discharge in the Pregnant Rat,”
Experimental Biology 1999, Washington, DC, 1999.
“Alterations in Autonomic Control of Cardiovascular Function During
Pregnancy,” North American Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy
(NASSHP), Winston Salem, NC, 1998.
Hines, “Cardiac Receptor Afferent Discharge in the Pregnant Rat,”
Society for Neuroscience, New Orleans, LA, 1996.
Hines, “Effect of Cardiac Receptor Stimulation on Renal Vascular
Resistance in the Pregnant Rat,” Experimental Biology 1996, Washington, DC,
Hines, “Gestational Effects of Volume-sensitive Cardiopulmonary Receptor
Reflexes in the Rat,” NASSHP, Las Vegas, NV, 1994.
Hines, “Nitric Oxide Mediation of Central Autonomic Control in Pregnant
and Virgin Rats,” Experimental Biology 1994, Atlanta, GA, 1994.
Hines, “Gestational Effects on Central and Efferent Neural Components of
Cardiac Receptor Reflexes in the Rat,” Society for Neuroscience, Washington,
DC, 1993.
Hines, “Characterization of Neurons in the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract (NTS)
with Cardiopulmonary Afferents, Experimental Biology 93, Anaheim, CA, 1993.
Hines, “Effect of Sinoaortic Denervation on Pressor Responses in the
Pregnant Rat,” Society for Gynecologic Investigation, San Antonio, TX, 1991.
Hines, “Sinoaortic Denervation Produces Similar Effects on Pressor
Responses in Virgin and Pregnant Rats,” Experimental Biology 91, Atlanta, GA,
Hines, “Total Autonomic Blockade Eliminates the Attenuated Pressor
Response to Angiortensin II in the Pregnant Rat,” Society for Gynecologic
Investigation, San Antonio, TX, 1990.
"Cardiovascular Responses to Central and Peripheral Pressor Stimuli in
the Pregnant Rat,” to Experimental
Biology 90, Washington, DC, 1990.
Hines, “The Pressor Response to Intracerebroventricular Angiotensin II is
not Blunted during Pregnancy,” Experimental Biology 89, New Orleans, LA, 1989.
Hines, “Plasma Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and Position during
Pregnancy,” Society for Perinatal Obstetricians, New Orleans, LA, 1988.
Tina Hines, "Does Increased Blood Volume "Stretch" the Heart during Pregnancy?", Midwest Nursing Research Soceity, St. Louis, MO, 2004.
Tina Hines, “Mechanisms for Altered Regulation of Blood Volume during Pregnancy”, Bone Biology Seminar Series, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Dentistry, 2003.
Tina Hines, “What Does the Brain Know About Blood Pressure During Pregnancy?”, Midwest Nursing Research Society, Grand Rapids, MI, 2003.
Tina Hines, “What Does the Brain Know About Blood Pressure During Pregnancy?”, Kansas University Medical Center, Department of Physiology Seminar Series, 2003.
Tina Hines, “Alterations in Autonomic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function During Pregnancy,” Division of Hypertension Seminar Series, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX., 2002.
Hines, “Alterations in Autonomic Regulation of Cardiovascular Function
During Pregnancy,” Kansas City Life Sciences Research Day, Kansas City, MO,
Hines, “Cardiovascular Regulation during Pregnancy: Use of an Animal
Model,” Eastern Nursing Research Society, Newport, RI, 2000.
Hines, “Effect of Cardiac Receptor Stimulation on Renal Vascular
Resistance During Pregnancy,” Magee Women's Research Institute, Pittsburgh,
PA, 1997.
Hines, “Alterations in Renal Vascular Regulation During Pregnancy,”
Center for Clinical Pharmacology Seminar Series, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA, 1997.
Tina Hines, “Neural Mechanisms Involved in Blood Volume Regulation During Pregnancy,” Reva Rubin Lectureship Pittsburgh,PA, 1996.
2003 | Honor the Researcher Award, Midwest Nursing Research Society, 27th Scientific Conference |
2003 | Inductee, Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing |
2002 | Host Investigator for American Physiological Society Undergraduate Summer Research Fellow |
2000 | Certificate of Merit from the
Friends of the National Institute for Nursing Research |
1999 | Honorary election to Phi Eta
Sigma, University of Pittsburgh |
1995 | American Heart Association
Grant-in-Aid (declined due to overlap with NIH funding) |
1991 | American Heart Association of
Metropolitan Chicago Postdoctoral Fellowship (declined due to overlap with
NIH funding) |
1988 | University of
Louisville. Louisville, KY - Graduate Student Research Day winner |
1978 | Spalding University,
Louisville, KY - graduation with honors |
1977 | National League for Nursing
Fellow in Public Policy |
2002-present | Midwest Nursing Research Society |
1999-2002 |
Nursing Research Society |
1996-present | Human Anatomy and Physiology Society |
1995-2001 | Magee Women’s Research Institute, University of Pittsburgh, Assistant Research Faculty |
1995-2001 | Center for Neuroscience at the University of Pittsburgh |
1995-present | Society for Gynecologic Investigation |
1994-present | Cardiovascular Nursing Section of the American Heart Association |
1993-present | Society for Neuroscience |
1992-present | North American Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy |
1988-present | International Society for the Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy 1996 – member, Scientific Review Committee for Seattle meeting |
1988-present | American Physiological Society |
research program focuses on autonomic regulation of cardiovascular function
during pregnancy in the rat. Normal pregnancy is associated with marked
increases in plasma volume and cardiac output, but decreases in arterial blood
pressure and vascular resistance. Mechanisms for these changes are not known,
but they are critical for the success of the pregnancy. Hemodynamics are altered
early in pregnancy and these alterations are sustained throughout most of
gestation. Thus, neural regulatory mechanisms must be altered during pregnancy
to accommodate these changes. Recent investigations in my laboratory have
determined that activity in the sensory receptors that regulate blood pressure
and blood volume is attenuated in the late-pregnant rat. This alteration may
facilitate maintenance of the hemodynamic changes of pregnancy. Importantly, the
sensitivity of these neural pathways appears to be even further attenuated when
preeclampsia develops. Thus, understanding the mechanisms by which blunting of
autonomic nerve activity occurs in normal pregnancy may shed light on the
pathogenesis of diseases such as preeclampsia. My laboratory is currently
pursuing studies designed to elucidate mechanisms for changes in volume and
pressure-sensitive receptors in the pregnant rat.
Nurses Foundation, Predoctoral Research Scholar, $2500.00 funded,1985-1986
Tina Hines, RN, Principal Investigator, “Vascular Sensitivity in
Prehypertensive Offspring”
NHLBI, Individual NRSA, $19,000.00 funded, 1991-1992
Tina Hines, Ph.D., R.N, Principal Investigator, W.M. Barron, Advisor,
“Regulation of Vascular Resistance During Pregnancy”
NHLBI, Institutional NRSA, $18,000.00 funded, 1989-1991
Tina Hines, Ph.D., R.N, Principal Investigator, M.D. Lindheimer, advisor,
“Short-term Regulation of Blood
Pressure During Pregnancy: Role of the Baroreceptor Reflex”
NINR, #2R01NR04184-05A1, $1,081,820 funded, 2001-2006
Tina Hines, Ph.D., R.N., Principal Investigator, “Cardiac Receptor
Activity in the Pregnant Rat”
Americam Physiological Society Summer Undergraduate Fellowship 2001. $2800 stipend to student, Dawn Grimes, $500 stipend to host, Tina Hines, funded. "Effect of Osmolality on Baroreceptor Discharge in the Pregnant Rat"
NINR, #RO1 NR04184-01, $446,148.00 funded, 1996-2000
Tina Hines, Ph.D., R.N., Principal Investigator, “Cardiac Receptor Activity in
the Pregnant Rat”
of Pittsburgh Provost’s Instrumentation Program, $24,371.00 funded
Lorah Dorn, Ph.D., R.N., Principal Investigator, Tina Hines, Co-Investigator,
“Development of an Inter-departmental Core Basic Instrumentation Program and
Biobehavioral Science Research Library
of Pittsburgh Central Research Development Fund, $14,000.00 funded, 1995-1997
Tina Hines, Ph.D., R.N., Principal Investigator, “Cardiac Receptor
Reflexes During Pregnancy”
Nurses Foundation, $2700.00 funded, 1995-1996
Tina Hines, Ph.D., R.N., Principal Investigator, “ Effect of Pregnancy
on Cardiac Receptor Activity”
Heart Association, $82,719.00 funded, 1993-1995
Tina Hines, Ph.D., R.N., Principal Investigator, “Characterization of Neuronal
Activity in Nucleus Tractus Solitarii Mediated by Cardiac Receptors in the
Pregnant Rat
2001 | R.N. 2001026721 | MO |
Years | Institution and Location | Title |
1991-1994 |
of Texas Health Science Center |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
1989-1991 | University
of Chicago, Dept. OB/GYN Chicago, IL |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Year | Agency |
2003 | Chair, NIH Center for Scientific Review, Special Emphasis Panel: Nursing Research |
2001 | Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute |
2001-present | Member Peer Review Panel for National Institute for Nursing Research |
1999-2000 | Member, Audit Team for NIH-funded Projects, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing |
1998-2000 | Reviewer, Central Research Development Fund, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing |
1996-1998 | Reviewer, Ruth Perkins Kuehn Award, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing |
1996-2000 | Reviewer, Institutional Review Board proposals for scientific merit, Center for Nursing Research, University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing |
Ad Hoc Journal Reviewer
1995-present |
Journal of Physiology, Heart and Circulatory Physiology |
International | |
1999-2001 | Technical consultation on nerve recording techniques for doctoral student from the laboratory of Dr. Susan Jacobs, University of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. |
University of Pittsburgh | |
1999-2001 | Technical consultation on surgical procedures and nerve recording techniques for doctoral students from the laboratories of Dr. Alan Sved and Dr. Ed Stricker, Department of Neuroscience. |
1999 | Technical
consultation on thermodiution cardiac output procedures for Dr. Kirk
Conrad, Magee Women's Research Institute |
1998-1999 | Scientific review for Leadership in Nursing Award Committee of Eta Chapter, SigmaThetaTau. |
Taught Clinical Diagnosis to Medical students and Obstetrical Residents
in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Taught Reparatory Physiology to undergraduate Nursing students in the
Department of Physiology. and Biophysics.
Invited lecturer in Cardiovascular Physiology to graduate (School of
Dental Medicine) and undergraduate (School of Nursing) students
Course Director for Anatomy and Physiology Lecture and Laboratory
Human Anatomy and Physiology (NUR 0012-0013, 190-200 students)
1995-1996 Nursing Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory (NUR 0002-0003, 70 students).
Advanced Human Physiology (NUR 2005, 6 students).
for Advanced Cardiopulmonary Physiology (NUR 3060, 5 students), taught by Dr.
Hematology. Pathophysiology Across the Lifespan (NUR 2004).
Theory-based Research in Physiology. Nursing Research and Theory (NUR
1998 Microscopic
Clinical Diagnostics. Clinical Diagnostics
(NUR 2078).
1998 Theory
Testing in an Animal Model. Research Emphasis Seminar (NUR 3040
Physiology of Pregnancy. Research Emphasis Seminar
(NUR 3040)
Physiology of Stress. Research Emphasis
Seminar (NUR 3040)
N120/160 Anatomy and Physiology . Course director for didactic and
laboratory components.
Graduate Courses
N600 Doctoral Seminar
1997-1998 Study Design and
Laboratory Techniques (NEUROSCI 1901, 1 undergraduate honors student)
Written Presentation (NEUROSCI 1962, 1 undergraduate honors student)
of Pittsburgh Magee Women's
Research Institute – Research advisor
Changes in Autonomic Control of Cardiovascular Function During Lactation
Effect of Osmolality on Baroreceptor Discharge in the Pregnant Rat.
undergraduate summer fellow, funded by APS)
Do Active Learning Strategies Increase Retention of Acquired Knowledge?
Masters Directed Research students)
2003-present | Ph.D. Supervisory Committee | Member | 1 | University of Missouri Kansas City Division of Pharmacology |
2003-present | Ph.D. Supervisory Committee | Member | 2 | University of Missouri Kansas City School of Nursing |
1999-2001 | Dissertation Committee | Chair | 1 | University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing |
1998 | Ph.D. Committees | Member | 2 | University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing |
1998 | Ph.D. Committees | Member | 1 | University of Pittsburgh Department of Neurosciences |
1998 | Masters Project | Advisor | 1 | University of Pittsburgh Department of Neuroscience |
1998 | Undergraduate Theses | Chair | 1 | University of Pittsburgh Department of Neuroscience |
1999-2001 | Member, Advisory Committee for the Health Sciences Library System |
1997 | Member, Committee to report on training at Magee Women's Research Institute |
1998–2001 | Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee |
2000 - 2001 | Chair, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee |
1998-1999 | Member, University Council on Graduate Study |
1996-2001 | Member, University Graduate Faculty |
School Committees – University of Pittsburgh School of Nursing
1999-2000 | Member, Policy Committee |
1997-1998 | Member, Ph.D. Task Force for B.S.N. to Ph.D. Curriculum Development |
1996-present | Member, Ph.D. Council |
1995-1998 | Member, Curriculum Committee |
1995-1997 | Member, Academic Integrity Review Committee |
1995-1996 | Member, Department of Health Promotion and Development Research Funds Committee |
1995-1996 | Member, Vendor Committee for Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference |
2002-2003 |
Member, Life Sciences Millennium Committee |
2002-2003 | Member, Lab Animal Facility Subcommittee |
2002-2003 | Consultant, Lab Animal Facility renovation grant (NIH C06) |
2002-2003 | Member, University Resources Subcommittee |
2002 |
Member, 5-year Review Committee for Endowed Professor, Dr. Ben McCallister, School of Medicine |
2002 | Judge, Student-Faculty Research Day, School of Medicine |
2002 | Member, Search Committee for Dean of School of Biological Sciences |
2003-2004 | Member, Search Committee for Dean of School of Nursing |
School Committees – University of Missouri
2003-present | Chair, Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Committee |
2001-present | BSN Committee, BSN Admissions Committee |
2001-present | PhD Committee |
2001 | Chair, Search Committee Associate Dean for Graduate Studies |
. |