Basic guidelines for SK1 mini-colonies
- Standard = 400cells/250uL YPA-VLN (per well)
- Use colonies/patches < 1 week old
- Use 96 well microtiter plates
- Suspend cells from single colony or patch in 300 uL ddH2O in 1.5 ml Eppendorf tub
- Using probe sonicator (Labline 30W ultrasonic processor, 3mm probe) Sonicate 6s, 3x. Check sample in microscope ,If cells are not fully separated, sonicate again.
- Determine cell concentration, e.g. by counting cells in microscope on hemacytometer.
- Inoculate a dilution of the cells into an appropriate volume of medium
- Example: For 24 wells with 400 cells / 250 ul / well, you would need 9600 cells in 6 mL VLN.
- When determining how many wells are needed for a given experiment, as a general rule, have many extra wells.
- Using a repeat pipettor (e.g. Eppendorf) and sterile tip, add 250 uL to each well.
- Wrap edge microtiter plate completely with Parafilm 2X to seal tightly.
- Grow at 24°C in incubator. Be careful not to disturb the plates during incubation. For example, if different time points are required, use a separate microtiter plate for each day.
VLN-YPA (liquid)
10g Potassium Acetate
5g Peptone
2.5g Yeast Extract
pH 5.8 with Acetic Acid
to 1L with ddH2O