
                             COLOR STRIPS- Restricted Juxtaposition.

        OBJECTIVE:     To produce a spatial effect by controlling the hue, value, and
                               intensity of juxtaposed strips of color.

        PROCEDURE:    (1) Draw a 6" x 9" rectangle on a small sheet of illustration
                              board, leaving comfortable margins on all four sides. (2) Select two or
                              more colors from the 6" x 9" pack of Color-Aid paper.After determining
                              the amount of each color  required for each strip, cut  strips parallel to
                              the 6" edge from each of the selected colors (each strip
                              will be 6" long). (3) With the format in a horizontal position, placement
                              of the strips will be determined by the color properties of the chosen
                              color and those of adjacent colors.  Strips should  be no less than 1/8"
                              nor more than 3/8" wide.  The number of strips of each color will be
                              determined by the structure of your design.  You might, for example, wish
                              to create an undulating pattern of warm- to- cool- to- warm- to- cool-        
                              to- warm, so you might place a red-orange strip at one end of the
                              rectangle, and next to that a slightly yellower strip, and so on, so that the
                              colors pass through yellow-green, green, blue-green, blue, and then
                              reverse,going back toward red-orange again at the end of the format.  The 
                              width of the strips may vary with each color to help to suggest the sense 
                              of a rolling undulation. (4) The strips of paper must be attached carefully 
                              to the board with the minimum amount of glue needed to hold the strips in 
                              place.  A glue stick is recommended designer's "sticky-back" or Duotack
                              adhesive paper.


              A.    Effectiveness of color usage
             B.     Attractiveness and craftsmanship

       TIME:       Three class periods

      READ:      Albers Handout I

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